CARSON’S CAMERA GOES TO WAR Diane Tuppack There are countless historical records, unit histories and photographic works relating to Australia’s military history and involvement in World War Two (WWII). Unfortunately, as time goes by, many families have “clean ups” and discard “old” records, photos, medals and memorabilia from Dad or Grandad and other deceased forebears without having a true appreciation of their true value; understandable perhaps as memories fade or the current generation just wasn’t around at that time in history. Diane Tuppack decided that this was not to be the fate of her father’s wartime photos. Diane’s innovative approach to the treatment of the photos complements Australia’s military history in WW II. Diane has assiduously researched her father’s military service and the units in which he was deployed. Of course, particular attention is paid to the 2/3rd Pioneer Battalion in which he served. Diane has provided maps, official photographs, diagrams and explanations with supporting references. By combining her father’s personal story and unit history with the photographs she has provided a clear and informative insight into the life and times of the troops involved; from enlistment and training in Australia, to movement to the war theatre, arrival and deployment in the war zone, and the activities of the soldiers at all stages. All this is combined with a style of writing which is not only informative but is easy to read. Tony Bidgood OAM, RFD, ED Lieutenant Colonel (retd)